Formation Flying (Part 2)

I finally found time to finish the part 2 video on the Formation Flight Training. Actually, I was on a Newark to Hong Kong flight that was 15.5 hours and I had already finished my email + dinner + a movie and still wasn’t sleepy… So I finished this video … Hope you enjoy it as […]
Formation Flying (Part 1)

With only a week before my Singapore adventures begin, I had to squeeze in one last US flight adventure. So this weekend, a fellow Cirrus pilot (David) and I did Cirrus formation flight training @ McCollum field with a couple of former US Air Force pilots(Rich & Stan), who are pictured below during our pre-flight […]
Off To Training In Atlanta

It’s that time of year again. Like most pilots, my insurance company “requires” (or should I say “financially encourages”) me to take annual recurrent training. The first few years of plane ownership, I would simply follow the basic FAA Wings program and do some 1-1 training with a local flight instructor. This was enough to […]