With all of the Covid-19 madness, Lisa and I have been working from home and literally staying in the house completely. Well… Except walking the dog and occasional grocery runs, while wearing gloves.

But we found a responsible way to go flying while adhering to the social. distancing guidelines. Since our plane is not flown by anyone else and also because it is parked in a private solo hangar, I feel this makes it safe for me to fly. As long I take a few basic precautions:
1. No passengers (other than Lisa and Lily)
2. No stops on the way to/from the airport so that we make no contact with other people
3. Maintain 6 FT distance from the line crew that fuels the airplane.
4. Use disposable, sterile gloves when touching any exterior surface that a line crew may touch, such as the fuel caps.

With these basic precautions, I feel totally safe to fly.

So today I want to share is a recap of my “Lap of Long Island” flight. Yes we flew a lap around Long Island. The entire flight was planned out in ForeFlight with more than a dozen different user defined waypoints. Then this flight plan was sent via bluetooth to the Garmin Perspective Plus avionics. The flight was mostly flown by autopilot plus a little manual intervention now and then ;-). Check out the Youtube video below to see for yourself.

== T.J.==