AOP Summit Journey (Part 2)

After an overnight in El Paso and a full regular day of work, it was time for the final leg of the journey.  El Paso turned out out to be a great place for an overnight stop.  Thanks to both NASA and the military there was no shortage of noteworthy aircraft on the ramp.  The […]

AOPA Summit Journey (Part 1)

My trek to AOPA is now well underway! The first leg of this trip was quite memorable. Since I was flying direct over the Gulf,  I squeezed as much fuel as I could into the tanks (92 gals). Other than the eAPIS filing, the departure was just like any routine IFR trip anywhere in the […]

Preparing To Cross The Next Border (Mexico)

After my European excursion, I was looking forward to the next challenge, which will be crossing another border on the way to AOPA Summit in Palm Springs. Once again, I enlisted the help of Thierry and Guillaume at Air Journey to help with the route planning and logistics. Here is the routing, we came up […]

Spotting Castles and Crossing New Borders

After a couple of weeks of preparation, I was totally ready for my flight in Germany. While I had read up on the many nuances of flying here, I didn’t really look carefully enough at the map.  I didn’t realize how close Baden-Baden was to France.  In fact, my hotel was walking distance to the French […]

Things Falling Into Place

Sometimes things just have a way of falling into place… For me, this has recently been the case as I prepared for my annual recurrent training. Usually, I accomplish my recurrent training by attending a CPPP.  But this year I decided to do it with a twist.  Instead of attending the course in Lakeland or […]

Angel Flight To Stuart

It has been a while since my last Angel Flight mission.  In fact, I don’t remember exactly when the last one was.  So today after work, I decided to fix that by transporting a Moffitt patient (Mendis) and her daughter (Carmen) from Tampa to Stuart, which is on the east coast of FL. The weather […]

First Four Legged Passenger

Until today, all of my passengers were people.  But today was a long overdue flight… I loaded up my first four legged passenger (Tristan) in preparation for takeoff. The route was rather simple (Ft Lauderdale to Tampa).  However, there were a bunch of clouds surrounding Ft Lauderdale around departure time. I filed a quick IFR […]

Finally The Storm Has Passed

Tropical Storm Debby finally passed most of the state of Florida yesterday! I was very disappointed that I couldn’t continue the seaplane training this past weekend.  Worse yet, the seaplane base is closed next weekend due to the Brown family vacation!  So that will need to wait till sometime in July. After 3 days of not even […]

Seaplane Training

After almost a month in Colombia for work, I was back in the country and eager to get back in the air! After 4 weeks on the ground, I was a feeling a little rusty. But I needed to get over it quickly because this weekend I had some serious new training planned.  For the […]

Weekend in Grand Cayman

With great weather predicted for south FL and the Caribbean, this past weekend was the perfect opportunity to make a dent in the bucket list.  I decided to fly to Grand Cayman. The flight was a straightforward IFR route mostly over water and directly over Cuba: I was a little nervous about the international flying […]