My current plane is sort a dream aircraft for me.  It is a Cirrus SR22T -G6.

This plane is fully loaded with everything including A/C, Flight into Known Icing (FIKI) and the wild Perpective+ avionics, which you can see below:

Other than my current plane, I have primarily flown 3 other aircraft.  The first (in 2005) was somewhat of a jalopy.  Like most student pilots, I was renting a Cessna 172 (N-727NC).  This plane had absolutely NO frills (NO Glass cockpit, NO traffic, NO satellite weather, NO satellite radio) … Just old fashioned six-pack round dials and the adventure of a new squawk on almost every flight!

After getting my PPL in 2005, I purchased my first plane, which was a Cirrus SR-20 G2.  Compared to the Cessna, this was luxury!  It had the Avidyne R7 flight deck with dual Garmin 430s, satellite weather/radio, etc(Everything important except traffic)… I flew ~ 400 hours in this plane and got my instrument rating in it also.  It was an excellent first plane.

In 2009, I stepped up to a Cirrus SR-22 GTS Turbo.  This plane is equipped with the Avidyne R9 platinum flight deck, which is absolutely amazing!  This plane is also the perfect X-Country machine.  With A/C, deicing equipment, built-in oxygen, and a very powerful turbo, I easily accomplished most missions in this aircraft.